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Doctor's Desk


Strengthen your personal injury case 

Expert Reports, Future Care Estimates, and Medical Case Reviews


Medical Review Services has worked closely with Personal Injury Attorneys across the country providing greater settlement outcomes by emphasizing the significant lifetime medical costs associated with injuries sustained in an accident. 


We provide comprehensive medical direction from start-to-finish ensuring that all necessary treatments have been obtained. Through our services we will help to acquire upper liability limits and UIM limits.


We work with distinguished physicians who are experts in their field to provide detailed reports to maximize your client's case. When proceeding to litigation, these expert reports and witnesses have helped to significantly increase client outcomes.

Office with a View

How WE Can Help You

Client's medical care extends far beyond initial costs, and with our expertise we determine the likely cost of all medical treatment clients will experience throughout their lifetime due to the injuries sustained in their accident.


  1. We can provide written documentation of all anticipated costs and assumptions based on life expectancy that can be supplemented into the demand.

  2. We can provide a Future Care Letter, written and signed by an expert physician, detailing all likely future care expenditures.

Future Care Expenses

Our experienced medical team will review medical records and prior diagnoses to:


  • Identify causes and factors that contribute to an injury


  • Establish prior diagnoses and determine relevancy to each specific case


  • Determine whether the individual can benefit from additional treatment

If your case proceeds to litigation, having a leading physician as a part of your team has proven to improve results during depositions and trials.


Our physicians are able to:


  • Provide a comprehensive expert report outlining prior medical history and future medical care.


  • Stand as expert witnesses during depositions and provide testimony at trials.



Medical Case Review


Medical Expert Witness

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